
Digital Field Journal

Digitalize your Field Journals through Whatsapp.
Easier than ever!

Difficulty in keeping your field journal up to date with public administrations?

Keeping up to date with the regulations in the field journal on a monthly basis is a challenge for any farmer. On January 1st, 2024, most farms in Spain must have their Digital Field Journal, meaning they must inform the Ministry of Agriculture of all actions and treatments carried out on the farm digitally through the SIEX (Sistema de Información de Explotaciones Agrarias).

Taking too long to update your field journal?

Taking too long to update your field journal?

Farmers often face challenges when collecting and updating data in the administration's field notebook. If a farmer owns a large crop field, they can expect to spend approximately 5 to 6 hours filling in the field journal, while having a smaller crop field may require 1 to 2 hours to complete the journal entries. It's still astonishing how much time it takes to fill in the field journal!


Constant update.


Time-consuming labor.

How easy do you find filling in your digital field journal?

How easy do you find filling in your digital field journal?

Filling out a field notebook can be a complex task. Recording dates, activities, inputs and observations requires careful attention and organization. The level of detail required may vary, but maintaining consistency and accuracy is critical. Although challenging, a well-maintained field notebook is a valuable tool for making informed decisions and evaluating agricultural performance.


Complex to master the field notebook’s software.


Too many tasks to fill.

Tupl Digital Field Journal provides all your farm information readily available whenever it's needed

Digital Field Journal play video

What benefits can you expect with Digital Field Journal?




Manual labor





Tupl’s Digital Field Journal uses WhatsApp Chatbot to gather all the necessary information from farmers about their crops

All-in-one, no need to download additional applications

All-in-one, no need to download additional applications


Automatic filling of the field journal through WhatsApp.


Integration with other databases - connection with external databases to facilitate the automation of the field notebook.


Stores, validates, and uploads all the actions taken in farms into public administrations - Automatic and periodical (monthly) upload of the field journal to SIEX.


Easy and fast accessibility for technicians - Review, add and/or modify data provided by farmers through the platform.

Get a demo of Digital Field Journal today

Get started and request a demo to learn how Digital Field Journal can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most common questions about Field Journal.

How does Field Journal work?


The Digital Field Journal revolutionizes agricultural record-keeping by replacing traditional paper-based notebooks with an advanced software application. It empowers farmers to efficiently record, manage, and analyze crucial agricultural data and activities through WhatsApp messages. From crop planting and field observations to pest and disease management, weather conditions, and more, this comprehensive solution enables seamless input, storage, and retrieval of essential information.

What kind of issues is Tupl's Field Journal solving?


Our Digital Field Journal simplifies compliance with agricultural regulations by leveraging our user-friendly WhatsApp system. This solution accelerates the data collection process from your crops in Tupl Agro's digital field journal, ensuring effortless monthly uploads to SIEX without any concerns.

Can a cooperative company request Digital Field Journal services?


Our platform provides a seamless solution for cooperatives seeking to connect technicians and farmers, or vice versa. With Digital Field Journal, we act as an intermediary between cooperative companies and farmers, facilitating the exchange of services. This enables us to offer potential necessary products or services, ensuring a streamlined and efficient cooperative-farmer interaction.

Do I need an AI expert or developer staff?


Tupl's software has a simple and intuitive user interface that enables existing personnel to build AI Smart Agriculture applications for quality assurance in very little time with relatively small datasets and with no programming required.

Get a demo of Digital Field Journal today

Get started and request a demo to learn how Digital Field Journal can help you.

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